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Complete Package - that's all-encompassing, brimming with enjoyment and imaginative add-ons, all incorporated.



Published on 26 Jan 2024

Name Experienced MILF
Gender Female
Age 41y
Nationality 🇦🇺 Aussie

Introducing the Ultimate Experience - an all-inclusive package filled with excitement and imaginative extras. I possess a voluptuous figure with attractive bosoms and a pleasant countenance. I have reached a level of maturity where I am well-versed in the art of pleasure, discovering all your most pleasurable spots. However, I still maintain a youthful energy and enthusiasm. I can bring you to the brink of ecstasy repeatedly, or keep you on the edge, yearning for an unforgettable climax. As a pansexual woman in my early forties, I am attracted to individuals of all gender identities and types - I simply appreciate people! I wear a size 14 dress, boast a natural D-cup bust, and possess a softness to my physique. Freckles adorn my face, and I sport shoulder-length, vibrant red curls. I possess a hint of unpredictability, a touch of wildness, and a genuine desire to understand what truly satisfies those I share intimate moments with. Rates: - $400 for a one-hour session - $900 for three hours of bliss - $1200 for an evening that lasts until sunrise. Over 60 pictures have been taken this year, showcasing my entire physique, including many nude and makeup-free shots, which can be found on my website: https://melanieofsydney.com.au Please note that I am available for outcalls in Central Coast and Sydney only. To get in touch, please send an SMS to 0481 910 483. If you have a legal fantasy that you wish to explore, don't hesitate to share it with me - together, we can make it a reality.

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