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Melbourne | Bundoora

Published on 15 Oct 2023

Name Fabienne
Gender Female
Age 23y
Nationality 🇬🇧 British

Meet Fabienne, a stunning high-class companion available in Melbourne by appointment only. Her captivating eyes are truly mesmerizing, with the ability to unravel the thoughts in your mind. She possesses a sexy mind that speaks with defiance, making every gentleman yearn for her company. At 23 years old, she stands tall at 5'6" with a natural D cup bust and a figure to be admired. Fabienne is not your ordinary girl. She impresses everyone with her grandeur way of bringing herself, seeing favorable circumstances in every adversity. Failure is not in her vocabulary, only learning experiences. She is a go-getter who never settles for less and fights for what she wants. Her sensitivity to the needs of others makes her a great companion. Aside from being a motivated and well-educated young woman, Fabienne is also passionate about photography. Her talent in capturing the beauty of her subjects is truly remarkable. She loves to travel and capture memories from places she's been and people she's met. Her scrapbook is a testament to her appreciation for the little things in life. Fabienne doesn't limit her challenges, she challenges her limits. She's not just a pretty face, but a woman with limitless talents. If you're interested in getting to know this beautiful and talented lady, contact Mona Lisa Models® now.

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